you must be weary from all that travel. would you like some chai while you're here? - engineer, founder, data science trell, gsoc '18 cloud-cv.
the pyramid of freedom
First of all, I got to start by saying that edibles are awesome, and that is proof that there is indeed hope for humanity! If I were a billionaire with malicious intent, I'd just mass-produce p...
unleashing latent potential - a photo essay
This is going to be a small photo essay of the insights I had while biking through the Himalayas. Before we get to the pictures, my "winter of study" has been an extreme success. I'm ...
how to defeat monsters with mountain power
power If you think of "power" what are the feelings that come to your mind? If it was something negative, congratulations, you're normal. If it was something positive, congratulation...
your mind as landscapes
This whole week I've been generally going for lindy walks every evening near the paddy fields. It's quite a shame that Paul Skallas got banned for plagiarising but plagiarism is quite Lindy...
creation, consumption and reflection
Hello there, winter is setting in, I hope it's treating you well. This too shall gently pass. What do I know about winter, there's no winter where I'm from, but you know what the greats...
the four horsemen of the indian tech-ecosystem
Intro I went for a walk today, well more specifically, I went for a Lindy Walk. It was quite nice, there was a drizzle, I got to wear my favourite windbreaker, in Delhi. This was the first time th...
growing your professional network in the year of the plague
Intro I've been meaning to write this article for over a year now, around the same time COVID came in and we all got locked down and took to our dungeons on Discord. It really doesn't seem...
the open-source challenge
a small thread on self-learning, CBC, reallyconfused and what comes after. i tried building reallyconfused to solve the problem of self-learning. my aim with the product was that i could help someo...
how my first start-up failed spectacularly
The Start After you try and fail at building a profitable start-up multiple times, at one point you'd have learned enough from the failures that there'd be no way out but to do it right. I...
launching my product on reddit to get 1,500 sign-ups and 300,000 views
In this post, I'll explain how you can come up with a start-up idea, get it validated, and have a great launch while providing value for the subreddit. I will not be discussing "how to bui...
cutting AWS bill by more than half after migrating to GCP and digitalocean
TL;DR Legacy system on AWS — $734 per month Combination of GCP and Digital Ocean — $200 per month Background In retrospect, even the AWS bill can be brought down if we properly set things up in...
from learning python to becoming kaggle kernels top 20, a road-map
Here is the high-quality version. Here is his Kaggle Profile. I was talking to Shahul and was super impressed with his journey, so I created this infographic hoping it’d help people find their ...
a roadmap for getting a data science internship!
Please ignore the above image, Medium told me my article would be more attractive if it had an HD image. So I went to google and searched for “HD Data Science Images” and this one looked pretty aes...
amazon vs. flipkart - finding the best prices for books!
Amazon or Flipkart? The age old question for us lazy people who cannot be bothered to compare prices. You’re probably wondering why this even concerns you. On the surface, it seems like there proba...
optimum time to shitpost on reddit
This post was inspired by a friend of mine who analyzed the price difference between Amazon and eBay to get you the most savings on purchases using an extension called unlooted, which is a very coo...
gsoc 2018 with cloudcv
On April 23rd, 2018 I received the wonderful news that I was selected as a Google Summer of Code intern at the organization CloudCV. I wasn’t actually surprised that I got in. Probably because I al...
making NLP accessible — talk at FOSSASIA summit singapore, 2018
The Internet is arguably the most incredible resource available to us; from shopping to education and everything in between, the web has proven to be an irreplaceable tool in our daily lives. Howev...
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