you must be weary from all that travel. would you like some chai while you're here? - engineer, founder, data science trell, gsoc '18 cloud-cv.


from learning python to becoming kaggle kernels top 20, a road-map

Here is the high-quality version.

Here is his Kaggle Profile.

I was talking to Shahul and was super impressed with his journey, so I created this infographic hoping it’d help people find their bearings and make things a bit more clear. I’ve added the courses, projects, and the approach he took to get here.

If you’d like to receive high-quality roadmaps like these, you should definitely consider subscribing to my Substack! I’ll deliver one high-quality road-map from any of the many careers in the tech field. Hopefully, this would help me break down things and let you know how the journey works.

I’ll hopefully remember to do this every week and use my rusty Figma skills to properly build this. Or would you like me to create one for you? Reach out to me through twitter or by email. You can find more information on that here